He returns most of them, but before he can hand her the last one, she’s off without a word. A student-our hero-bumps into a girl in front of a building, and she drops her books at his feet. We open in the spring of 2016, at a university campus. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.ĮPISODE 1: Fate - Irresistible and Out of the Blue!

Because it’s worth a look!)Īudio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. (I’m not planning to continue recapping this show because of the time conundrum, but I wanted to at least bring the show to your attention with the first episode recap. On top of a quirky supernatural premise, it has endearing characters and a seriously beautiful cinematography with a deft directorial touch that lingers on lovely little moments. I went into it with no idea of what to expect, and came away quite pleasantly surprised. The drama is interesting and atmospheric and a little weird, in a good way. And it looks like it may end up the little show that got ignored, though I do hope it doesn’t because I think it deserves a better fate. It’s odd, and I think the timeslot and marketing were handled poorly enough to consign the show to an underwatched run. Truth be told, I was expecting this show to be either a mess or to fall by the wayside entirely because for months, KBS kept changing its mind about where to schedule it-there was talk of it being a regular prime-time show, then a weekend daytime show, and finally settling on its current slot of Friday nights, one episode a week, for twenty episodes.

High School: Love On feels like a curious experiment for KBS, not just with its quirky genre bent but also format. 103 JJanuHigh School: Love On: Episode 1 by javabeans